“We have designed a facility that addresses all established program and budget criteria within a modern, functional and aesthetically pleasing building.  It is a fitting addition to our campus and a welcome relief for students who previously had to juggle schedules and often couldn’t take courses because of limited space.” 

                                                                             ~Former BSU President Charles Ruch

Boise State University’s Multi-Use Classroom Building, boasting a surplus of both classrooms and labs, is the campus's core facility for general classroom, lecture and seminar functions. The 3rd and 4th floors of the four story 59,000 square foot building house Physics Department spaces. The culmination of the building’s spaces are available to all departments on campus and feature a variety of learning environment configurations designed to support ever-changing teaching methodologies. 

The building designed by ZGA consists of traditional materials and colors that are found in other buildings on campus. Special attention was given to the building’s height, width and relief so that all facades are compatible and almost mimic the architectural character, mass, and scale of the surrounding areas.